Map of proposed list of geosites, bio-sites and cultural & heritage sites for the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) accreditation in 2025. More sites are being planned to be added; e.g. Old Ampang Reservoir (hydrogeological), Pekan Ampang & Kuala Ampang (cultural and heritage). Courtesy of PLANMalaysia Selangor.
The Gombak-Hulu Langat (GHL) Geopark spans across locations that are under the jurisdiction of 3 different local authorities, including Majlis Perbandaran Selayang, Majlis Perbandaran Kajang, and our very own Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya.
What is the Gombak-Hulu Langat Geopark?
The Gombak-Hulu Langat Geopark covers 112,955 hectares and consists of 31 geosites across Selangor. These geosites (geological or geomorphical sites) are areas with significant aesthetic, scientific, recreational and cultural value for the local community.
What is a UNESCO Global Geopark?
UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.
A UNESCO Global Geopark uses its geological heritage, in connection with all other aspects of the area’s natural and cultural heritage, to enhance awareness and understanding of key issues facing society, such as using our earth’s resources sustainably, mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing natural hazard-related risks.
(Source: UNESCO, 2023)
Benefits of Geoparks
Integrated conservation: nature (geodiversity and biodiversity) and cultural heritage are conserved as a single entity
Balancing between conservation and development: ecotourism (geotourism) is promoted to enhance regional development based on ‘sustainable resource utilisation’
Local community engagement: focus on participation and socio-economic development of the local community
Source: “Geopark in Malaysia: The Front Door of Our Geological Treasures”, Prof Emeritus Dato’ Ibrahim Komoo (2016)
More information on UNESCO Global Geoparks available here.
Why does it matter to us?
A UNESCO Global Geopark requires a management plan with a holistic concept of protection, education, and sustainable development.
As residents and stakeholders within the Geopark area, it is important that we voice out on what these concepts of landuse, conservation, sustainable development, and education mean to us.
Protect our homes and improve our quality of living.
About three quarters of the Geopark within the Ampang Jaya area (including developed areas and forest reserves) is categorised as the following:
Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Class 1 and 2)
Disaster Risk Areas
Hazard Risk Areas
Water Catchment Forest Reserve and Water Catchment Areas
Klang River River Basin Area
Ensure green and sustainable planning, and best practices in the conservation of our natural environment
Good policy and Geopark Management Plan for the National and aspiring UNESCO Geopark together with a good Draft Local Plan MPAJ 2035 will help to ensure the future planning in our area via sustainable and green development; and the conservation of the natural environment and its biodiversity.
Boost the local economy.
Improve local livelihoods by growing nature-based and eco-tourism; circular and green economy, and its off-shoot economies.
We, the people, are included.
The UNESCO Global Geopark ethos protects the people, its community’s interest. Participation of its community which is made up of residents and who are also individual stakeholders in the area is essential.
27 February 2019
The Selangor State Government announced that the application for the heritage site could not be continued because it could not meet the requirements set by UNESCO. Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (PKGS) is not yet ready to be accredited as a UNESCO World Heritage Site based on the findings, experience and criteria set by the expert team that prepared the dossier for the Tentative List.
Given the constraints for nomination of PKGS as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, PLAN Malaysia Selangor together with a team of experts suggested that PKGS be made one of the Geopark geosites with the aim of obtaining recognition as a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp).
PLANMalaysia started a study to identify the suitability of the area and the potential of Gombak Hulu Langat as a geopark.
15 October 2020
PLANMalaysia Selangor presented a working paper to implement the Selangor State Geopark as a National Geopark in the Selangor Economic Action Committee (MTES) State Exco Meeting.
28 October 2020
The State Government Council Meeting (MMKN) agreed to implement the proposal for 31 geosites in Gombak and Hulu Langat districts to be ascended as a National Geopark. Also to establish members of the Pro-Tempore Committee in which the Director of the State Economic Planning Unit (UPEN) is appointed as Committee Officer.
29 September 2021
The Selangor State Economic Action Council (MTES) approved the establishment of the GHL Geopark with the aim of obtaining UGGp recognition in 2025 after studying and listening to the presentation of the expert team.
6 October 2021
MMKN agreed that PLAN Malaysia Selangor prepare the dossier for the phases required for UGGp accreditation.
16 August 2022
Evaluation to obtain National Geopark status is carried out. Two of the essential conditions to be met for a UGGp recognition is for the Geopark to be declared a National Geopark and the community’s involvement.
Community participation (residents/stakeholders) is very important in the direction of the UGGp recognition process. We, AJ Rimba Collective, as well as many other communities, and several national schools from Gombak and Hulu Langat districts were assessed for our knowledge, pride and love for our home area which is part of the Geopark to achieve this recognition. We are known as aspiring Geoparkians.
The assessment could not have been carried out without geosites of significant value, the participation of communities and relevant agencies. The cooperation of the municipal/district local government is to facilitate the process of evaluation and recognition of the National Geopark.
14 November 2022
Proclamation of GHL National Geopark by the Ministry of Environment and Water (KETSA).
16 November 2024
Proclamation of GHL National Geopark by Selangor State Government
Current Status
The process and plan for the recognition of UGGp is delayed at the State Authority level.
Gazettement for the Implementation Body of GHL Geopark under Enactment No. 3 1994 Selangor Menteri Besar (Incorporation) has not been ascended by the Selangor State Government.
Adaptation of the National Geopark Development Plan 2021-230 by the Implementation Body and Geopark Committee.
Appointment letters cannot be given to members of the GHL Geopark Committee without notification from the Implementation Body.
What’s Needed
Law & Enforcement
Creating or amending current legislation to include Geoparks gazetted under a Special Area Plan and/or enacting a new legislation altogether and defining what activities and development can ensue within the Geopark.
GHLGp Governing Body is led by a statutory body in accordance with the National Geopark Development Plan 2021 - 2030 (by NRES). At this stage, moving towards UNESCO accreditation requires enhancement of the laws that encompass a Geopark.
Geopark National Development Plan 2021-2030 be adopted by the state.
Including the GHL Geopark in the following statutory planning documents:
(i) National Physical Plan (RFN)
(ii) Selangor State Structure Plan ((RSN)
(iii) Draft Local Plan MPAJ 2035 (MPS and MPKJ to respectively include within their DRT or RTs) and/or as a Special Area Plan (RKK).
Funding has to be provided through Federal Government Grants and State funds allocated to enable structured management and development of the geopark.
Continued education and awareness building among the public and local communities about the concept and value of geoparks. Geoparks need to be seen as centers for scientific research, education, community and economic development. Communities need to be engaged and empowered with knowledge of the Geopark, enabling them to be stewards of Sustainable Tourism initiatives.
Capacity Building
Investing in capacity-building programs for local communities and park management teams is crucial.
Greater involvement of local and indigenous communities in decision-making and management processes is essential to ensure that geoparks are inclusive and culturally sensitive.
Geoparks and You
Map of the AJ Community of Gombak Hulu Langat Geopark in the greater neighbourhood of Zone 1, 2 & 26 (MPAJ). Illustration by 3Nine Design.
Map of the AJ Community of Gombak Hulu Langat Geopark in the greater neighbourhood of Zone 4, 6 & 7 (MPAJ). Illustration by 3Nine Design.
Your Role
You are important in the UNESCO Geopark accreditation process.
Be part of the aspiring UNESCO Urban Global Geopark community.
Get to know more about the aspiring Gombak-Hulu Langat UNESCO Global Geopark and how it can doubly protect and improve the quality of your life here in AJ.
The future of your well-being, the beautiful and unique natural environment around you and the quality of living you want is in your hands.